ROBICHAUX, Eugene G., Lafourche, Parish, Louisiana Submitted by Mike Miller USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. Louisiana: Comprising Sketches of Parishes, Towns, Events, Institutions, and Persons, Arranged in Cyclopedic Form (volume 3), pp. 379-380. Edited by Alc?e Fortier, Lit.D. Published in 1914, by Century Historical Association. Robichaux, Eugene G., Thibodaux, La., planter, merchant, financier, was born in Thibodaux, La., Nov. 2, 1856; son of Eugene G. and Aspasie (Triche) Robichaux, both of whom were born in Lafourche parish, the father also dying there Dec. 2, 1869; aged 40 years. The mother's life closed at Thibodaux. The paternal grandfather, Joseph Robichaux, was a native of Lafourche parish, and his life ended in the same parish. He married Miss Rassicot. The maternal grandfather, Drauzin Triche, was born in St. John the Baptist parish but made his home in Lafourche from some time previous to the Civil war to the time o f his death, in 1875. Eugene G. Robichaux served for many years as sheriff of Lafourche parish, and previous to becoming sheriff he had for some time been a deputy sheriff. At the time of his death he was manager of the sugar estate of his father-in-law, who was an extensive sugar planter and owner of Laurel plantation, 4 miles above Thibodaux. He also owned Orange Grove plantation, 6 miles below Lockport. Eugene G. Robichaux was one of 5 children born to his parents, 4 brothers and 1 sister, but at this time is the only survivor of the family. He received his early education at a private school in Thibodaux which afterward became the old Thibodaux college, and following this he attended A. V. Romain's classical and commercial college, corner of Conti and Dauphine streets, New Orleans, where he was a schoolmate of Prof. Alcee Fortier. Before he had completed his course at this institution, however, Mr. Romain died, and the school was permanently closed. Mr. Robichaux returned to Lafourche parish and became associated with J. T. Badeaux in the general plantation store on the Orange Grove plantation. Shortly after this Mr. Triche, his maternal grandfather, died, and Mr. Robichaux purchased a half interest in his grandfather's Laurel Grove plantation, in partnership with Mr. L. A. Trosclair, who had married the youngest dau ghter of Mr. Triche, this plantation being thereafter owned and operated by the firm of Trosclair & Robichaux for more than 33 years. The first crop, in 1875, was 96,000 pounds of open-kettle sugar. The business grew until 1904, when, after putting up a refinery, the same firm produced something more than 8,000,000 pounds of sugar. The firm started with an old- style kettle sugarhouse hardly worth $3,000, and this grew to a magnificent plant equipment costing more than $300,000. They built railroads, constructed steel bridges across Bayou Lafourche, and erected a fire-proof warehouse for storage purposes. They also added to their former purchase the Enterprise plantation, previously owned by Mr. George Dionne; the Trial plantation, previously owned by Mr. E. M. Marvant, and another plantation formerly owned by L. Lasseigne. They also purchased parcels of land adjoining the old Laurel Grove plantation in the rear, and ultimately cultivated 2,000 acres of land. This railroad traversed all neighboring plantations, and the cane grown upon these adjacent lands was purchased by the firm. Jan. 30, 1909, Mr. Robichaux sold his interest in the business to his old partner. Aside from the above- mentioned great enterprise, Mr. Robichaux is half owner in the Coulon plantation, and is also president and part owner of the Jefferson Pl anting & Manufacturing Co., Ltd., which owns the Willswood plantation at Waggaman, La. In Aug., 1891, the Bank of Thibodaux was organized and Mr. Robichaux became a stock-holder at that time. In 1894 he became a director and was elected president of the bank, continuing as the executive head of the institution from that time to the present. Oct. 27, 1881, Mr. Robichaux was married to Miss Louise Philippi de Lepoly, a daughter of Louis Philippi de Lepoly. Mrs. Robichaux died Sept. 9, 1891. To them were born 4 sons and 1 daughter, these being Louis Eugene, in the sugar brokerage business at New Orleans; Eugene C., now a practicing physician at Excelsior Springs, Mo.; Francis A., associated with his father in sugar planting; Raoul M., general manager of the plantation store on his father's estate, and Mathilde, wife of Dr. F. A. Gouaux of Lockport, La. Aug. 12, 1897, Mr. Robichaux was married to Miss Brigitte Thibodaux, a daughter of Zephir Thibodaux, and whose great- grandfather was a former governor of Louisiana and founder of the town of Thibodaux. One child has been born to them--Alfred, Dec. 16, 1901. Mr. Robichaux and family affiliate with the Roman Catholic church. |
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