Capt. Charles C. Williams, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Submitted by Mike Miller USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. Capt. Charles C. Williams, an extensive planter of La Fourche parish, La., and one of the oldest railroad men in the state, was born on Lafourche bayou, this parish, August 21, 1833, to Joseph C. and Harriet (Clark) Williams, natives of Culpepper Court House, Va., and Baltimore, Md., respectively. Their marriage occurred in Baltimore, and in 1828 they came to Louisiana and located on Lafourche bayou, on what became known as the Williams plantation, but is now known as Webster plantation. The country was at that time a wilderness and Mr. Williams was probably the first English speaking person to locate in the section. He showed unusually good judgment in removing to this section, for it is without doubt the garden spot of Louisiana. Upon leaving Baltimore they first removed to Kentucky, in the vicinity of Lexington, where the father operated a tobacco plantation, and became an intimate friend of Henry Clay. Not being pleased with Kentucky he came to Louisiana, in which state he spent the remainder of his days, dying in 1857 at the age of eighty-four years. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, and was on guard duty on Chesapeake bay when he was captured by the British while trying to recover his slaves. He was a whig and took an active part in political affairs. He was one of the first to apply the steam engine in the manufacture of sugar, and was otherwise progressive and enterprising in his views. Joseph C. Williams was a finished scholar and was eager to impart his knowledge of Greek and Latin to his sons, whom he taught for several years. He was of English descent and was married four times. Capt. Charles C. Williams was one of the youngest members of his father's large family, but his brother, Judge Joseph C., is the youngest. The former spent the greater portion of his youthful days at Georgetown, Ky., in the military school at that place, and it was then his intention to study medicine, but his health failed and he became manager of his father's plantation This turned the bent of his genius in the direction of agriculture. In 1849 he went to New Orleans and until 1854 was engaged as a clerk in a brokerage establishment, but was then appointed agent for the Opelousas railroad by the president of the road, Mr. Overton. He located at Lafourche Crossing, and since that time has been connected with the Southern Pacific railroad. Since the war he has established a line of barges in connection with the road which he serves, which he has found a paying investment. His first purchase of real estate was the China Grove plantation, a part of which he still owns. Since then he has owned and operated Victory plantation, Stonewall plantation, the upper part of the old Aubret plantation, and now the Tidal Wave plantation in St. Mary's parish, and Sunnyside plantation, which is one of the finest in this parish. In 1862 he publicly espoused the cause of secession by joining Colonel Vick's regiment of infantry, and was in the engagements at Bisland, Morgan City and Vermillion bayou. He was taken prisoner but was only in captivity a short time when Lee surrendered. He became captain of Company C, of his regiment, which he organized on entering the service. He has taken an active part in politics, although he has persistently refused to accept official position. In 1855 he was married to Miss Amelia Camp, of New Orleans, who died the following year. His second union took place in 1861, when Miss Dora Cross became his wife, their union resulting in the birth of an interesting family of children. Two of them are married. His eldest daughter is the wife of Presley K. Ewing, of Lafourche, La., who is now one of the most prominent and gifted lawyers of Texas. His second daughter married Henry Garland Bush, who is the youngest son of that noted Louisiana politician and patriot, Col. Louis Bush. Captain Williams is a member of the A. F. & A. M., and by his generous and chivalrous life, has won the admiration and heart-felt friendship of all those with whom he is associated. At one time, and even now, he acts as a home merchant for any number of the small planters of his neighborhood, and he has gained the reputation of being one of the wealthiest planters on the bayou. His credit is beyond reproach. Life to him means something more than living for one's self, it is kindness and justice to humanity. He is a man to make one feel better to have known. Biographical and Historical Memoires of Louisiana, (vol. 2), pp. 457-458. Published by the Goodspeed Publishing Company, Chicago, 1892. |
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