MARTIN, Whitmell P., Assumption, then Lafourche Parish, Louisiana Submitted by Mike Miller USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. Louisiana: Comprising Sketches of Parishes, Towns, Events, Institutions, and Persons, Arranged in Cyclopedic Form (volume 3), pp. 288-289. Edited by Alcée Fortier, Lit.D. Published in 1914, by Century Historical Association. Martin, Whitmell P., of Thibodaux, Lafourche parish, judge of the 20th judicial district court, was born in the parish of Assumption, Aug. 12, 1867; the son of Robert Campbell and Margaret (Littlejohn) Martin. The judge's father, a native of Assumption parish, was the son of Robert Campbell Martin, who came from North Carolina to Assumption when a young man and engaged in sugar planting. His son enlisted in the Confederate army at the outbreak of the Civil war, in 1861, as lieutenant in the 26th La. volunteers and at the end of the struggle between North and South, studied law, practiced his profession for a few years, then took up sugar planting, in which he is still engaged. Margaret Littlejohn, his wife, a native of Texas, died several years ago. Whitmell P. Martin studied in public schools and under private tutors until he entered the Louisiana state university at Baton Rouge, from which he graduated in 1888, with the degree of B. S. After taking a special course in sugar chemistry for 3 years, and filling the position of professor of chemistry (1892-93) in the Kentucky military institute, under Col. D. P. Boyd, and studying law in the University of Virginia for 1 year, he passed an examination before the courts of Virginia and Louisiana, and was admitted to the bar. In Assumption parish, Judge Martin practiced his profession for a few months, then took up his residence in Thibodaux. From 1894 to the present time, Judge Martin has been prominently identified with the public affairs of Lafourche parish and of the town of Thibodaux. He was superintendent of schools (1894-1900), district attorney (1900-1904); was reëlected and still occupying that office; became candidate for the district judgeship made vacant by the resignation of Judge L. P. Caillouet, who had been elected judge of the circuit court of appeals. By the unanimous votes of his fellow-citizens of the district, Judge Martin secured his election as presiding magistrate, and was reëlected in 1908 and 1912. When the people of Louisiana went to the polls in Oct., 1913, to vote for members of the constitutional convention that was to sit at Baton Rouge in November of that year, Judge Martin was the choice of his constituents for the important trust of directing the framing of the laws of the state. That the people of Lafourche are inclined to bestow higher honors upon the distinguished magistrate, it is made evident by their attitude and their high endorsement of the judge's candidacy, should he enter as candidate for the U. S. house of representatives. One of the leading newspapers of Thibodaux, the "Comet," supporting Judge Martin as a suitable and popular candidate, said: ''Conservative thought is gradually centering upon the possibility of Judge Whitmell P. Martin becoming a candidate for the nomination, believing that if he can be induced to give up the office of judge of the 20th judicial district, which he has held with marked distinction during the last 6 years, and enter the arena of politics, he would easily win the nomination. A careful analysis of the political situation in the 3d district shows that Martin would be an easy winner, should he choose to enter the race for the Democratic nomination. He would be the only candidate with the solid support of a senatori al district behind him." In 1896 Judge Martin married Miss Amy Williamson, of De Soto parish. They have 4 children: Amy Williamson, Whitmell P., Jr., Marshall Leigh and Robert Campbell. The judge is a member of the Episcopal church and vestryman in Thibodaux, and is affiliated with the Masons (32nd degree), the Shriners, the Elks, the Order of Eagles and the Louisiana state bar association. |
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