Dr. H. Dansereau, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana
Submitted by Mike Miller
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The name of Dr. H. Dansereau, Thibodeaux, La., is one of the most respected in this community,
and he is not only a physician of prominence but a citizen who is held in the highest
estimation by all.  He was born in Canada in 1882, completed a full literary course at Montreal
and afterward studied medicine at the Victoria university in that city.  Then desiring to
locate in the United States he went to New York and graduated from Albany Medical college.
From there he came direct to Louisiana, located in the parish of Plaquemines in 1855, and three
years later came to Thibodeaux, La Fourche parish, practicing his profession here until the
opening of war.  He entered the Fourth Louisiana regiment as lieutenant of the La Fourche
guards, but resigned on account of his brother's failing health.  He returned to Thibodeaux,
resumed his practice, and is now the senior practitioner of the town.  He was married in 1868
to a Miss Aycock, and by her became the father of nine children.  In politics he affiliates
with the democratic party, and he is a member of the Roman Catholic church.

Biographical and Historical Memoires of Louisiana, (vol. 1), p. 369.  Published by the
Goodspeed Publishing Company, Chicago, 1892.

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